Saturday, 2 February 2013

90210 - must watch!

90210 is a must watch, i originally watched the show when it first aired in 2008 and got hooked but for many reasons, i ran out of time and got distracted by a numerous amount of other things and dropped off and pretty much just stopped watching it! But recently i have begun watching it again and it is so personal and relate-able even though the story lines can be a little far fetched. I love it because it starts with them in high school and progresses and is now them in the beginning of their adult life which is totally cool and realistic and i suppose living in Beverly Hills and having millions through their 'trust funds' it maybe isnt so realistic compared to our lives but some of their feelings are personal lives are totally realistic and cool! It's why i love the show and now have an obsession with L.A. and with my uncle living close by to California he promised if i visit him in America he will take me to L.A. .. guess i better start saving then! 


  1. I have watched some of this! I think my favorite character is Silver! I love your blog!

    Follow mine?

    1. i do love silver, she is totally herself and lets no-one hurt her or her friends. she does what she does and thats my favourite thing about her :)
      yes of course i will :)
